Pelion Rent a Boat offers you daily tours around the Pagasitic Gulf.
This guided tour is conducted by specialized staff in order to discover all the unique landscapes of Pagasitikos Gulf.

Οι εκδρομές αυτές πραγματοποιούνται κατόπιν συνεννόησης με το προσωπικό της Pelion Rent a Boat και η διαθεσιμότητα των ατόμων είναι μέχρι και 8 άτομα.
These tours are carried out after consultation with the staff of Pelion Rent a Boat and the availability of people is up to 8 people.
We also have fishing gear and a full gear package with rods and tackle for all fishing with a 7” garmin sounder.

Choose your boat today and schedule this unique tour.